Adjective Clause Muhammad Faishal Suta


Soal Adjective Clause

Soal Adjective Clause


A.    NAMA SEKOLAH         :           SMA N 1 MATAULI PANDAN
B.     MATA PELAJARAN      :           Bahasa Inggris (Peminatan)
C.     PEMINATAN                  :           MIPA / IPS
D.    KELAS/SEMESTER       :           XII/1 
E.     MATERI POKOK           :           Adjective Clause
F.      ALOKASI WAKTU        :           8 JP ( 3Pertemuan) 3 x 90 menit


Kompetensi Sikap Spiritual dan Sikap Sosial
·         Sikap spiritual: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. 
·         Sikap Sosial: Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif,dan pro-aktif sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalampergaulan dunia.

TTM – Ke
Kompetensi Dasar dan  Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan
Kompetensi Dasar dan  Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Keterampilan
3.3 menerapkafungssosial,strukturteks,daunsurkebahasaan teks interaksi transaksionalisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakamemberi damemintainformasi terkaitketeranga(circumstance)sesuaidengakonteks penggunaannya.(Perhatikaunsur kebahasaaklausafiniteatau klausa non-finite)
4.3.menyusuteks interaksi transaksionalisan dan tulisyang melibatkan tindakanmemberi damemintainformasiterkait keteranga(circumstance), denganmemperhatikafungsisosial, strukturteks,daunsur kebahasaan yang benardan sesuai konteks
3.3.1.menerapkafungssosial,strukturteks,daunsurkebahasaan teks interaksi transaksionalisan dan tulis untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda dengan klausa.

4.3.1.Menyuusn teks interaksi transaksionallisan dan tulis untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda dengan klausa.

3.3.2.menerapkafungssosial,strukturteks,daunsurkebahasaan teks interaksi transaksionalisan dan tulis untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda sesuai dengan circumstance nya

4.3.2.Menyusun teks interaksi transaksionallisan dan tulis untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda sesuai dengan circumstance nya



Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Inquiri Learning, peserta didik dapat :
1.         Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective, possessive)
2.         Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks dengan mengembangkan sikap religius, penuh tanggung jawab, bekerja keras, serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, kreativitas, kolaborasi, komunikasi (4C).


1.      Materi Pembelajaran Reguler

a.      Fakta:
Di Tunjukkan Contoh kalimat Adjective Clause  Clause untuk .menjelaskan/memberikan tambahan informasi secara efektif

Pola kalimat:

Finite Verbs
Non Finite Verbs
An english newspaper which was published last August raised an issue about corruption which threatehs economic growth
An english newspaper published last August raised an issue about corruption threatening economic growth.
Peeople power, which toppled the coorupt regime of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, became popular.


A study conducted by  Transparency International in 2005 revealed that more than 62% had - first hand experience of paying bribes
Coruption in India is a major  issue that adversely affects its economy.

b.      Konsep
Ø  Menjelaskan benda/memberikan informasi tambahan

c.       Prinsip

1.       Non defining clause.
Mr. Carpenter, who is the supervisor of our group, always works hard.
Our company, which has become a strong company, has been undergoing a lot of experience.
2.       Defining Clause
One of the new workers who work under my supervision is very competent despite his new age.
I want to check the new building which is next to your office.

Non defining clause must use comma between the clause and the information is just additional. It does not give new information to main clause or the whole sentence.
Defining relative clause does not use commas between the clause. It gives important information to the main clause or the whole sentence

d.      Prosedur
Ø  Menyimak dan menirukan percakapan
Ø  Membaca dengan cermat untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan percakapan tersebut.
Ø  Bertanya dan mempertanyakan
Ø  Membaca dengan cermat beberapa percakapan serupa dari sumber lain. 
Ø  Membandingkan
Ø  melakukan tindakan komunikatif

2.      Materi pembelajaran remedial
Ø  Unsur kebahasaan
-       Kalimat pernyataan dan pertanyaan keterangan (circumstance)
-       Pewatas (Modifiers) antara lain;Which/that, Who,Whose,Where.
-       Relative Clauses: kalimat dengan pewatas
Ø  Tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca.

3.      Materi pembelajaran pengayaan
Ø  Menirukan beberapa contoh kalimat yang melibatkan tindakan  memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keterangan (circumstance  yang diperagakan guru, dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar


Soal  Pilihan Ganda 

Adjective Clause /Relative Clause

 Kelompok 1   Untuk siswa nomor absent 1-10

Soal Adjective Clause
1. The lady ….. lives across the street is my aunt.

  • a. Whom
  • b. Who
  • c. Whose
2. The boy ….. shoes are on the floor is my little brother.
  • a. Whom
  • b. Who
  • c. Whose
3. The moment ….. the clown burst in to surprise the teacher was great!
  • a. That
  • b. Where
  • c. When
4. The student ….. I teach is Budi.
  • a. Whom
  • b. Who
  • c. Whose

5. Do you bring the book ….. I gave it to you yesterday?
  • a. When
  • b. That
  • c. Which
6. Can you see the bird ….. is on the fence?
  • a. When
  • b. That
  • c. Which
7. I still remember the place ….. I put my mobile phone last night.
  • a. Where
  • b. When
  • c. Which
8. Give me the reason ….. you study in EngllishOnline.
  • a. Why
  • b. When
  • c. Where
9. Tokyo, ….. is located in japan, was my kesukaane city to visit.
  • a. Which
  • b. That
  • c. Where
10. Fruit ….. is grown organically is expensive.
  • a. Which
  • b. That
  • c. Whom


Soal  Pilihan Ganda 

Adjective Clause /Relative Clause

 Kelompok 2   Untuk siswa nomor absent 11-20
  1. The university … I earned my Bachelor’s degree has built a new bussiness school building.
a. Which
b. Where
c. That
d. Who
  1. I’d like to teach the children … were with us last weekend about forgiveness.
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Which
d. That
  1. Someone sent her a letter, … made her smile all day long.
a. Whom
b. Which
c. That
d. Who
  1. The little girl … is running down the hill is my neighbor’s daughter.
a. Whom
b. Who
c. Which
d. That
  1. The homeless was sleeping on the sidewalk, … was dirty and smell very bad.
a. That
b. Which
c. Where
d. Who
  1. Today is the day … most people in Indonesia get the day off.
a. That
b. Which
c. When
d. Where
  1. The Bogor Palace, … was rebuilt in 1856, is one of Indonesia’s Presidential Palaces.
a. Which
b. That
c. Who
d. Whom
  1. The movie … they watched was very interesting.
a. Whose
b. Whom
c. That
d. Which
  1. The student, … IQ is higher that Albert Einstein, loves to learn foreign languages.
a. Who
b. Whose
c. That
d. Where
  1. It was my classmate … hit the tennis ball over the net.
a. Which
b. That
c. Whom
d. When


  1. The man … lives across the school is my uncle.
a. Who
b. That
c. Whom
d. When
  1. The girl … umbrella is on the rain is my little sister.
a. Who
b. Whose
c. That
d. Where
  1. The student …. I met is Mariam
a. Who
b. That
c. Whom
d. When
  1. Do you wear the dress … I gave it to you for your birthday?
a. Whose
b. Whom
c. That
d. Which
  1. Can you see the cat …is on the fence?
a. Whose
b. Whom
c. That
d. Which


Soal  Pilihan Ganda 

Adjective Clause /Relative Clause

 Kelompok 3  Untuk siswa nomor absent 21-30

Pilihlah satu relative pronoun/adverb yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik ab, atau c pada kolom yang tersedia.
  1. The university … I earned my Bachelor’s degree has built a new bussiness school building.

    1. which
    2. where
    3. that

    Your answer:

  2. I’d like to teach the children … were with us last weekend about forgiveness.

    1. who
    2. whom
    3. which

    Your answer:

  3. Someone sent her a letter, … made her smile all day long.

    1. whom
    2. which
    3. that

    Your answer:

  4. The little girl … is running down the hill is my neighbor’s daughter.

    1. whom
    2. who
    3. which

    Your answer:

  5. The homeless was sleeping on the sidewalk, … was dirty and smell very bad.

    1. that
    2. which
    3. where

    Your answer:

  1. Today is the day … most people in Indonesia get the day off.

    1. that
    2. which
    3. when

    Your answer:

  2. The Bogor Palace, … was rebuilt in 1856, is one of Indonesia’s Presidential Palaces.

    1. which
    2. that
    3. who

    Your answer:

  3. The movie … they watched was very interesting.

    1. whose
    2. whom
    3. that

    Your answer:

  4. The student, … IQ is higher that Albert Einstein, loves to learn foreign languages.

    1. who
    2. whose
    3. that

    Your answer:

  5. It was my classmate … hit the tennis ball over the net.

    1. which
    2. that
    3. whom


Soal  Pilihan Ganda 

Adjective Clause /Relative Clause

 Kelompok  4  Untuk siswa nomor absent 31-35

Ketik ab, atau c sesuai dengan pilihan yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong.
  1. Vina’s brother, … is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.

    1. that
    2. whom
    3. who

    Your answer:

  2. The car … was bought by Adam two year ago has broken down so many times.

    1. whom
    2. which
    3. whose

    Your answer:

  3. The man … is eating ramen noodles on the convenience store lives near my house.

    1. which
    2. who
    3. whom

    Your answer:

  4. The poor boy is sleeping on the mattress, … is too dirty and old.

    1. which
    2. that
    3. whose

    Your answer:

  5. The worker … you are looking won’t be back to the office today.

    1. whom
    2. for whom
    3. to whom

    Your answer:

  1. Marie Curie, … husband worked as a laboratory instructor, was a pioneer in the field of radiology.

    1. whose
    2. who
    3. whom

    Your answer:

  2. It was Sarah … couldn’t stop fooling around.

    1. whom
    2. that
    3. which

    Your answer:

  3. People … eat fruits and vegetables may have more attractive skin color.

    1. that
    2. which
    3. whom

    Your answer:

  4. The software … maker was unknown was used by many retailers.

    1. that
    2. whom
    3. whose

    Your answer:

  5. The person … I want to send this package has moved to unknown location.

    1. to whom
    2. whom
    3. from whom

    Your answer:


Soal  Pilihan Ganda 

Adjective Clause /Relative Clause

 Kelompok  1   Untuk siswa nomor absent 1-10

1.      The man ........... is sitting over there is my father.
A.Who   B.Whose   C.When   D.Ø 
2.      The book .......... you bought yesterday is very interesting.
A.Who   B.Which   C.Whose   D.When
3.      This is the place ..........I visited some years ago.
A.Where   B.When   C.That   D.Who
4.      Mr. Kurniawan ............ son is my friend is presenting a paper in a seminar.
A.Who   B.What   C.That   D.Whose

5.      The time .............. the plane takes off and lands will be changed soon.
A.When   B.Who   C.Ø   D.That
6.      Lumajang is the place.............I was born.
A.That   B.Where   C.When   D.Whose
7.      Andrea was a married woman ............. lived in Brockbourne.
A.That   B.Where   C.Who   D.When
8.      Hirata shivered at the snow.............. was piled in the fields.
A.Whose   B.Who   C.That   D.Which
9.      She missed listening to the radio, ............. had been stolen.
A.Which   B.Whose   C.That   D.Who
10. Rizky stopped for an old lady .............. was standing by the road.
A.Whom   B.Who   C.That   D.Whose

11. The old lady had a sign ............was handwritten.
A.Whose   B.Which   C.That   D.Whose
12. Kurniawan opened the door for the lady, .............. was very fat.
A.That   B.Whom   C.When   D.Who
13. Mario was afraid of the old lady,................ voice sounded strange.
A.Whose   B.That   C.Whom   D.When
14. Conan was terrified.............she saw her arms, which were hairy.
A.Whose   B.When   C.Whom   D.Which
15. Kurniawan realized it was a man .............was dressed as a woman.
            A.That   B.When   C.Who   D.Ø


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok  1   Untuk siswa nomor absent 1-10

Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause. If it’s possible, you should drop the relative pronoun.
1) The doctor was sick (I wanted to see the doctor)

2) The accountant was arrested (the accountant works for my father’s company)

3) I wrote to the friend (you met the friend last week)

4) The mobile phone can’t be fixed (the mobile phone is broken)

5) John made a copy of the photo (I took the photo)

6) I met a girl (the girl was a doctor)

7) We called a doctor (the doctor works at a hospital in London)

8) We like the actor (the actor was in a famous film)

9) I went to the restaurant (I read about the restaurant in the newspaper)

10) She bought a car (her sister liked the car)

Jawaban :


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 2  Untuk siswa nomor absent 11-20

Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini sehingga menjadi kalimat dengan adjective clause yang tepat!
  1. The man ………………… lives across the school is my uncle.
  2. The girl ………………….. umbrella is on the rain is my little sister.
  3. The student ………………………….. I met is Mariam
  4. Do you wear the dress ……………….. I gave it to you for your birthday?
  5. Can you see the cat …………… is on the fence?
  6. I still remember the place………….. we meet last week
  7. Give me reason…………………….you leave me alone!
  8. Bali ………………………………….is located in Indonesian, was may favourite destination to visit
  9. Special prizes is available for the class ………………… wins in the English contest.
  10. Someone sent her a message ……………………………… made her angry all day long
jawaban :


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok  3  Untuk siswa nomor absent 21-30

(Gabungkanlah setiap pasang kalimat sederhana berikut ini menjadi kalimat kompleks yang mengandung adjective clause.)
1.    John bought a boat. The boat cost thirty thousand dollars.
2.    John is the man. We are going to recommend John for the job.
3.    The men are angry. The men are in this room.
4.    The men are angry. I do not like the men.
5.    I do not like the men. The woman is talking to the men.
6.    John found a cat. The cat’s leg was broken.
7.    The robber was arrested last night. The police have caught the robber.
8.    The girl is happy. Her father bought a car for her.
9.    This is the city. I was born here.
10.    You put the books somewhere. Show me the place you put it.


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok  4  Untuk siswa nomor absent 31-35

Menggabungkan dua kalimat menjadi adjective clause
  1. Ari lived a house. The house cost one billion rupiahs
  2. Luna is the woman. We are going to recommended for secretary
  3. My mother is angry. My mother is in this room
  4. I do not like his friend. My son is talking to him.
  5. Aminah found a bird. The bird’s leg was broken.
  6. The girl is happy. Her father gave her a present for her birthday.
  7. The Jakarta is the big city. I was born here.
  8. Rama is a handsome young man. He is my brother.
  9. I often buy cheese (the cheese is imported from Paris)
    10. The hairdresser was very good (the hairdresser has red hair)


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok  5   Untuk siswa nomor absent 1-10


Complete all the sentences below with the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.
            I don’t know if the agency (1) ………… sent you told about this job. We are the kind of firm (2) …………deals with important people, (3)…………… means that anyone (4)…………… we employ must be exceptional. That is the reason (5) ………… we asked the agency to send us the best girl (6) …………….they had. The girl  (7) ………….. we are looking for is someone (8) ……………. not only knows shorthand and typing but (9) ……………manners and dress sense are perfect. The office (10) ………….. she will work is next to Mr. Barker’s, any question?
            Yes. Will the man (11)……………… I work for be as well-mannered and well-dressed as I am? 


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 6   Untuk siswa nomor absent 11-20

Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using ‘that’ or ‘who’ and a relative clause.

1) She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete)

2) They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby)

3) I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia)

4) The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly)

5) We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father)

6) I dropped a glass (the glass was new)

7) She loves books (the books have happy endings)

8) They live in a city (the city is in the north of England)

9) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper)

10) The girl works in a bank (the girl is from India)

 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 7 
Untuk siswa nomor absent 21-30

Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause. Use ‘that’ or no pronoun.
1) She bought the computer (her brother had recommended the computer)

2) He lost the money (I had given him the money)

3) We called the taxi company (Julie often uses the taxi company)

4) John met a girl (I used to employ the girl)

5) Lucy called the doctor (my mother knows the doctor)

6) He brought a woman (I used to often meet the woman)

7) We employed the lawyer (Julie recommended the lawyer)

8) The fruit is on the table (I bought the fruit)

9) The wallet belongs to John (Lucy found the wallet in the garden)

10) The food was delicious (David cooked the food)

 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 8  Untuk siswa nomor absent 31-35

Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause. If it’s possible, you should drop the relative pronoun.
1) I broke the plate (the plate was a wedding present)

2) The police arrested the man (I saw the man steal a handbag)

3) The Queen fired the chef (we had met the chef)

4) She wrote to her friend (her friend lives in Vietnam)

5) Jill ate the sandwich (the sandwich had tomato and cheese inside)

6) His friend lives in Scotland (his friend is a lawyer)

7) We called the secretary (I went to school with the secretary)

8) The CD is in my bag (the CD has Spanish music)

9) The book is very interesting (the book is about Japanese culture)

10) The bag was stolen (I bought the bag yesterday)

 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 9    Untuk siswa nomor absent 1-10


Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using ‘that’ or ‘who’ and a relative clause.

1) My sister has three children (my sister lives in Australia)

2) The waiter was rude (the waiter was wearing a blue shirt)

3) The money is in the kitchen (the money belongs to John)
4) The table got broken (the table was my grandmother’s)

5) The television was stolen (the television was bought 20 years ago)

Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause. Use ‘that’ or no pronoun.

6) The car was stolen (my father gave me the car)

7) The man was arrested (I reported the man to the police)

8) The doctor was right (Lucy asked the doctor about her problem)

9) The waitress was very pretty (my brother dated the waitress)

10) The secretary is in the office (the boss likes the secretary)


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 10   Untuk siswa nomor absent 11-20

Dan berikut ini latihan tentang Adjective Clause dan Noun Clause:

Identify the independent clause as an adjective clause or noun clause.

  1. Anderson knows who told you the news.
  2. All the men who attended the class were doctors.
  3. I enjoyed the novel which you lent to me last week.
  4. I can’t remember what you told me about it.
  5. Do you remember the man who is walking with Mr. Brown?
  6. We did not know who had suggested that plan to them
  7. I do not know the fellow that you mentioned last night.
  8. I gave Martha the letters the letters that I wanted her to mail.
  9. The postcard they sent us had been mailed early last week.
  10. Have you seen the pictures Bill took several days ago?

 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 11  Untuk siswa nomor absent 21-30

Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause. If it’s possible, you should drop the relative pronoun.

1) He likes films (the films come from Asia)

2) My nephew broke the plate (I received the plate as a present)

3) The chocolate was very old (we bought the chocolate last week)

4) The TV programme was very funny (Lucy recommended the TV programme)

5) The girl is on TV tonight (I met the girl yesterday)

6) The child is playing in the garden (we see the child often)

7) The nurse is in the office (the nurse treated my grandmother)

8) The car is in the garage (the car broke down)

 9) Kent’s secretary said he had already left for Chicago.
10) he part of the lesson that’s most difficult for me is this one.


 Soal  Essay
Adjective Clause/Relative Clause

 Kelompok 11  Untuk siswa nomor absent 31-35

(Gabungkanlah setiap pasang kalimat sederhana berikut ini menjadi kalimat kompleks yang mengandung adjective clause.)
1.    Regina is a beautiful young lady. She is my best friend.
2.    Toci once met my girlfriend. Toci had never seen my girlfriend before.
3.    Mr. Jono is our teacher. We like him very much.
4.    Bandung is a town. I studied there in 2014.
5.    Do you know that man ? My mother gave him some foods today.
6.    That is the girl. She works at university as an administration staff.
7.    Do you see my bag? I bought it yesterday.
8.    Ms. Paulo is a doctor. Her house is near to my house.
9.    The motorcycle is my brother’s. It is in the garage now because it needs fixing.
10.    The boy is very naughty. His father is often angry with him


Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini sehingga menjadi kalimat dengan adjective clause yang tepat!
  1. The little boy ……………………………. is running around my home ia my neighbour’s son.
  2. Today is the day …………………………… moeslem people celebration Lebaran.
  3. It was my best friend ……………………………………..hit the badminton ball over the net.
  4. The woman ……………..has six children is my mother
  5. She has a house ……………… has a beutiful garden

jawaban :

Identify the independent clause as an adjective clause or noun clause.

  1. It’s true that the gorilla will fight, but only in life-treathening situations.
  2. It was Tom who broke the window.
  3. It was a supernova that produced the famous Crab nebula.


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