Noun Clause

Noun Clause definition : - A noun clause is a dependent clause that takes the place of any noun in the sentence, whether they are subjects, objects, or subject complements.  

Definisi Noun Clause : - adalah klausa dependen yang menggantikan kata benda apa pun dalam kalimat, apakah itu subjek, objek, atau pelengkap subjek.

Noun clause terbagi menjadi 4 kelompok :

1. Noun clause sebagai subject

What dinda wrote surprised her boyfriend.

What she is telling is unreasonable.

Whoever thought of your idea is very brilliant.

That she worked hard for the whole term pleased her parents.

What he sings is very beautiful.

A country which locates near Indonesia.

What l have is very important.

That today is his birthday is not right.

Whether he will visit them or not is not my problem.

2. Noun clause sebagai object

Dicta doesn’t understand what he is talking about.

We don’t know how many books Tiwi reads every day.

Jimmy understand why his girlfriend left him.

I don’t know for sure who knocked the door yesterday.

We don't know how the annabelle doll can be haunted by the ghost

How he's so cool and amazing doing that crazy parkour trick

Hendra didn’t know where her girlfriend was going to go until the day came.

Do you know whether there is traditional market here?

I want to know how my mother feels.

Do you know who the actor is this drama?

3.Noun Clause sebagai Complement:

This place will be where we spend our holiday at.

The question is how those kids can finish all of these foods in 30 minutes.

Nina’s biggest mistake was that she accepted the bribe cash.

The question is how those kids can finish all of these foods in 30 minutes.

This place will be where we spend our holiday at.

Those equipments are what we need to bring.

The lower whoever get pointed by this bottle.
am afraid that she will tell everyone about my secret.

It is wonderful if we can share with others.

Kiki is worried that he cannot pass the university entrance exam.

Benny is happy that he can spend his Christmas day with his family.

  • 4.Noun Clause after Preposition

  • Natasha is waiting for what the director's plan come with his mind

  • Tomorrow we will discuss what mental illness 

  • Josephine is not responsible for what Alex has done.

  • In this meeting, we will discuss about what factors affect the decrease of our sales.

  • We will start our journey from where we have decided before.


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